- #4497 (no title)
- 2021 Cancer Patient Experience Survey Webinar Breakout Rooms
- Avis de confidentialité relatif aux études en ligne
- Aviso de privacidad para encuestas en línea
- Cardiomyopathy UK MyInsight survey link and participant information sheet
- Compassionate Care Download form
- Contact Us
- Cookies & privacy
- Datenschutzerklärung für Online-Umfragen
- Equality, diversity and inclusion
- Exploring the career expectations, motivations and aspirations of UK orthodontic speciality trainees
- Financial statements
- How we can help
- Consultancy and Quality Improvement
- Inpatient Experience Benchmark Dashboard
- National survey programmes
- Patient experience
- Person centred care toolkits
- Adaptation and bespoke design
- Children’s Friends and Family Test (FFT) form
- Dermatology Survey
- Health Visiting Patient Experience Toolkit
- Improving compassionate care
- Licensable toolkits
- Liver Transplant Patient Experience Survey
- Neonatal Parent Experience Survey
- Sickle Cell Patient and Family Feedback Surveys
- Transition Patient Experience Feedback Questionnaire
- Social care
- Staff experience
- The Picker HWA Consultant Experience Survey Programme
- Impact Report 2019-2020
- Informativa sulla privacy per indagini online
- Learning from experiences: the person centred care symposium 2025
- Learning from experiences: the person centred care symposium 2025
- NHS General Practice Staff Survey
- NHS Staff Survey Development
- NHS Staff Survey for bank only workers
- Our accreditations
- Picker newsletter
- Picker Staff Purchases
- Press
- Privacy notice for online surveys
- Regional & National Workshops
- Research volunteers
- Scotland Urgent Care Survey
- Share your experiences of A&E or Urgent Treatment Centre Services
- Share your experiences of children and young people’s hospital care
- Share your experiences of children’s cancer or tumour care
- Share your experiences of NHS Community Mental Health Services
- Share your experiences of NHS Inpatient services
- Share your thoughts on our new gender questions
- Sitemap
- Terms & conditions
- Thank you
- Thank you for completing the survey
- Thank you for signing up for our newsletter
- The highest quality person centred care for all, always.
- Who we are
Research & insights
- New Ways of Working to Manage and Improve Quality in Integrated Care Systems in England
- Picker responds to the announcement that NHS England will be abolished
- Infographic of the NHS Staff Survey 2024 headline results
- NHS staff report continuing improvements in their experiences of work, according to world’s largest workforce survey
- Making patient feedback more inclusive: a new way to improve care for all
- Picker responds to The King’s Fund, Healthwatch England and National Voices’ joint ‘Lost in the system: the need for better admin’ report
- Evaluating patient and staff experiences of Scotland’s redesign of urgent care
- The Future of Maternity Care: Overcoming Challenges and Embracing Opportunities
- Scottish Government Evaluation of Redesign of Urgent Care Pathway Reveals Positive Patient Experiences but Highlights Areas for Improvement
- Picker responds to the Royal College of Nursing’s ‘On the Frontline of the UK's Corridor Care Crisis’ report
- Picker responds to the Government's Elective Reform Plan
- Reflecting on 2024: a year of growth and impact at Picker
- Picker responds to the Government's 'Plan for Change' update
- Change NHS – what does Picker want to see in the upcoming ten-year plan?
- 2024 NHS Maternity Survey Highlights Persistent Issues in Maternity Experiences Despite Some Improvements
- 2024 survey highlights problems in patients' experiences of urgent and emergency care
- Understanding and improving person centred care for children and young people
- Children and young people’s experiences of NHS cancer and tumour care show some improvement – despite gaps in care coordination and continuity
- From collection to action: Making the most of experience data to embed person centred care in the NHS of the future
- Measuring what matters: how patient experience drives person centred care
- Webinar: Spotlighting Excellence in Patient Experience 2024
- The NHS 10-year plan: an overdue opportunity to deliver personalised care plans
- Mainstreaming peer support to improve people's experiences
- Supporting self management to improve people’s experiences of waiting for and receiving care
- Waiting for improvement: person centred care & the future of the NHS
- Picker publishes 2023-24 Impact Report
- Experiences of admission and discharge from hospital continue to be a concern, according to national survey
- NHS cancer services getting better at involving patients’ families and carers, according to national survey
- Updating the NHS Constitution: an opportunity to set out a new vision
- Picker's NHS Manifesto: Our vision for a person centred health service
- How to prepare a successful entry for PENNA 2024
- Picker Adventures: Peering through a 55-year retrospectoscope
- Exploring the quality of life of people with hypothyroidism
- Cardiomyopathy UK will partner with Picker to evaluate the care experience of those living with Cardiomyopathy in 2024.
- Community Mental Health Survey 2023 Infographic
- Mental health services struggle to meet demand, according to a major survey
- Picker Impact Report 2022/23
- Celebrating Patient Experience Week 2024
- Picker Group acquires the Patient Experience Network (PEN)
- Picker discusses the 2023 NHS Staff Survey Results on HSJ's Health Check podcast
- Infographic of the NHS Staff Survey 2023 headline results
- NHS staff experience improving, according to world’s largest workforce survey
- World Cancer Day: Listening to data to drive person centred cancer care services
- 2024 Global Patient Survey on Lymphomas & CLL
- Picker Chosen by Lymphoma Coalition to Conduct 2024 Global Patient Survey on Lymphomas and CLL
- Unspoken Conversations: Decoding the "How's It Going?" Dialogue on Time to Talk Day
- Staff surveys can transform workforces
- The importance of clear communication in children's cancer services
- Picker's Independent Evaluation of the Q community to include further exploration of Q Lab and Q Exchange
- Discover from Picker: Sampling webinar for the Under 16 Cancer Patient Experience Survey
- Developing and exploring the validity of a patient reported experience measure for adult inpatient diabetes care
- Celebrating 2023: A Year of Milestones and Meaningful Progress in Person Centred Care
- Advancing Healthcare Equity: Enhancing Hospital Experiences for Individuals with Disabilities
- Picker's carbon reduction plan
- Workshop: Understanding Cancer Patient Experience Survey 2022 Results
- Insights from the Picker and Point of Care Foundation Symposium
- National Cancer Patient Experience Survey: Online Dashboard
- Celebrating Kindness Day UK: The heart of person centred care
- Children and young people report varied experiences on their cancer and tumour care in England
- Assessing progress in managing and improving quality in nascent ICSs in England
- Picker selected by Greenwich & Bexley Community Hospice for NHS-style staff survey to strengthen people plan
- Case Study: Improving Support for Black Men with Prostate Cancer
- International Kidney Cancer Coalition and Picker Announce Key Findings from Global Survey
- Webinar: Spotlighting excellence in patient experience
- Jersey Government entrusts Picker to spearhead the island's patient experience survey programme
- Mental health as a universal human right through the lens of Picker's Principles of Person Centred Care
- The power of storytelling and lived experiences in driving person centred care
- Unlocking Innovation and Insights: The Importance of Inclusive Research
- Picker awarded four-year contract to continue Under 16 Cancer Patient Experience Survey
- Picker welcome five new appointments to its Board of Trustees
- National Inclusion Week: Harnessing the Power of Inclusivity
- Valuing women's health experiences
- Leveraging data to elevate the patient experience
- Humanising Health and Care
- Picker have partnered with The Acute Leukemia Advocates Network, CLL Advocates Network and CML Advocates Network to deliver the 2023 Global Leukemia Experience Survey
- Picker Group CEO discusses patient experience in the post-covid era on the HSJ Podcast
- Picker hosts an Insight Workshop into the CPES 22 results
- Shortlisted unveiled for the Patient Experience Network National Awards 2023.
- Imperial College London adapts Picker’s Neonatal Parent Experience Survey
- Action planning based on survey results
- Urgent and Emergency Care Survey: The 2022 Results and the Path to Recovery
- “Sharp declines in many areas of people’s experiences of urgent and emergency care” are reported following a survey of 36,000 people in 2022
- Urgent and Emergency Care 2022 Infographics
- National Cancer Patient Experience Survey 2022 infographic
- Major Cancer Patient survey shows positive changes with the involvement of family, friends and carers; however figures were down from 2021 for people who’d had an overnight stay for cancer care
- Listening to Guardians: Freedom to Speak Up Guardian survey report 2023 now live
- Picker awarded multi-year contract to oversee England’s NHS Patient Survey Programme by the Care Quality Commission
- Picker commissioned by The Health Foundation to undertake an evaluation of impact of Q.
- Picker awarded renewed multi-year contract to coordinate the annual NHS Staff Survey, the largest workforce survey in the world
- How to prepare a successful entry for PENNA 2023
- Healthcare charity Picker invited to the launch of Meningitis Now report at the House of Commons
- Stronger aftercare for adult meningitis patients urgently needed reveals national survey results.
- National Carers Week | Definition of a Carer
- NIHR’s partnership with Picker ensures its continued quality research
- Exploring the use of Twitter data in research
- The conversation starts here, but this is not where it should end…
- How my workplace worked for me when I experienced Anxiety
- Supporting a friend with a mental health illness
- I have an anxiety disorder, it no longer has me!
- Recognising the impactful role of midwives
- Diabetes Patient Reported Experience Measure Development
- Understanding Integration guide from Picker and the King's Fund
- Listening is the foundation of Integrated Care
- Ingenuine participants in health and social care research - challenges and solutions
- Picker CEO Chris Graham joins the HSJ Podcast to discuss the 2022 NHS Staff Results
- Growing proportion of staff are unhappy with the standard of NHS care, according to survey of more than 600,000 NHS staff
- Pickers values shaped from the start: International Women’s Day
- Collaboration with staff and patients should be standard not special
- Picker supports Help for Heroes to reinforce their mission with an evidence-driven strategy
- Involving Staff & Patients in Improvement Work
- Parents’ Experiences of Communication in Neonatal Care
- Mental Health First Aid empowering mental health conversations in the workplace
- Dignity is central to delivering quality care
- Picker unveils 2021-22 Impact Report
- Trust, along with treatment, is crucial to Hypothyroid patient satisfaction.
- Person centred care leaps forward in Jersey with the rollout of patient experience surveys
- NHS England & Picker announce National Insight Webinar
- Jersey Care Commission rolls out multiple survey programmes
- Jersey Care Commission rolls out inaugural national patient experience survey to help drive improvement
- Help us improve the aftercare and support for people diagnosed with meningitis
- Under 16 Cancer Patient Experience Survey 2021 Workshop: Better understanding your feedback
- Inpatient survey triggers the development of culture and diversity services at specialist trust
- Inpatient Week: online workshops from Picker
- Patient preferences are crucial to mental health services
- Young cancer patients feel well looked after in NHS hospitals – but nationwide survey highlights issues around continuity of care
- Under 16 Cancer Patient Experience Survey 2021
- Crisis care neglected in community mental health services
- Community Mental Health Survey 2022
- Access to mental health services worsening, according to survey findings
- Why emotional care is critical in breast cancer treatment
- Picker welcomes Angela Coulter as Chair of its Board of Trustees
- Investment in mental health is an investment in our future
- Understanding integrated care from the perspective of patients, service users, and citizens
- World Meningitis Day
- Co-producing quality improvements in health and social care
- Lincolnshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust’s cultural journey continues
- Giving a voice to general practice staff
- Webinar: Improving your NHS Staff Survey response rate
- How to improve your NHS Staff Survey response rate
- Picker hosts an Insight Workshop into the CPES 21 results
- Picker responds to the GP Patient Survey 2022 results
- Using Twitter to understand UK healthcare experiences during Covid-19
- Under 16 Cancer Patient Experience Survey 2020
- National Cancer Patient Experience Survey 2021
- Major survey shows need for more effective personalisation in cancer care
- The much-needed move to gender-inclusive surveys
- Preparing a successful PENNA entry – Chair’s reflections
- Preparing a successful PENNA entry
- Picker awarded multi-year contract for major NHS cancer survey
- Growing calls for evidence-based research into social care staff experiences
- Researching children’s experiences of cancer care
- NHS Staff Survey 2021
- NHS Staff Survey shows growing concern over staffing levels
- Staff experiences in social care
- Developing Citizens’ Panels in Integrated Care Systems (ICSs)
- Impact report 2020-2021
- Picker welcomes four new trustees to its board
- Social media as a marker of individual experience
- Children and Young People's Survey 2020, children's infographic
- Children and Young People's Patient Experience Survey 2020
- NHS hospital services for children and young people improved in 2020 despite pandemic, survey finds.
- Community Mental Health Survey 2021
- NHS mental health service users report poor experiences of care – and worsening mental health.
- Improving the experience of men living with prostate cancer
- Understanding the needs of kidney cancer patients, globally
- Children and young people report good experiences of NHS cancer care in ground-breaking new national survey
- Understanding and improving the care experiences of children with cancer
- The Under 16 Cancer Patient Experience Survey
- Using Twitter to understand health care experiences during the Covid-19 pandemic
- Urgent and Emergency Care Survey 2020: Type 3
- Urgent and Emergency Care Survey 2020: Type 1
- Survey finds improvements in patients’ urgent and emergency care experiences in England at start of second wave of Covid
- Despite the impact of Covid-19, urgent and emergency care services have seen positive improvements in person centred care
- Using person centred nursing care to improve patients’ lives - Part 2 of 2
- The importance of person centred nursing care to improving the lives of people with learning disabilities - Part 1 of 2
- Lincolnshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust’s cultural journey
- Help for Heroes takes a person centred approach to rehabilitation
- Adult Inpatients Survey 2019
- Always Events®: what have we learned?
- Developing an Always Event® to improve experiences of End-of-Life Care
- Starting your quality improvement journey in an NHS trust
- Targeting CQC Inspections of GP Practices
- The importance of questionnaires for patient satisfaction
- Co-producing better information about a rehabilitation unit
- Working with service users to improve inpatient learning and disability services
- Evaluation of the Always Events® Programme
- Working in partnership with families to develop a coordinated plan of care for their child
- NHS staff comments shed light on experiences of working through the Covid pandemic
- First ever Under-16 Cancer Patient Experience Survey in England launched
- Understanding the experience of living with hypothyroidism
- Lymphoma Coalition Global Patient Survey 2020
- Understanding children's experiences of cancer care
- Implementing an Always Event® to improve the information needs of children and their families
- The Queen's speech 2021
- Our person centred approach to valuing equality, diversity and inclusion
- Improving patient information on waiting times in radiology
- Biggest ever survey of NHS staff reveals pressures of caring during the Covid pandemic
- NHS Staff Survey 2020
- What is the NHS Staff Survey?
- How to measure patient experience for specific health conditions
- Picker responds to the proposed changes to assessing urgent care performance
- The impact of Covid-19 on cancer care experiences
- Continued support for Welsh healthcare services
- Learning how to support NHS staff during pandemics
- Impact Report 2019-2020
- Can patient experience scores be used to predict quality inspection ratings?
- Results from the NHS community mental health survey raise concerns over the provision of services in England
- What is the role of patients in health services?
- Exploring the biggest challenges for people affected by cardiovascular disease
- Working with British Heart Foundation to put people at the heart of their strategy
- Engage to make a difference
- Developing the Under 16 Cancer Patient Experience Survey
- What is cognitive interviewing?
- How to measure patient satisfaction (in five steps or less)
- Are patient-reported experience measures of psychometric evaluation valid?
- Quality care for older people
- Driving improvements in paediatric diabetes care
- Adult inpatients' experiences of care – 2019 survey results discussed
- Almost half of all hospital inpatients want to be more involved in their care and treatment, survey shows
- The Cancer Patient Experience Survey shows overall experiences have improved, but more support is still needed
- The National Cancer Patient Experience Survey 2019
- Optimisation of care for older patients – deprescribing
- Shaping the future services at Helen & Douglas House
- An interview with Rachel Lovesy; Head of Patient Experience and Engagement for Northampton General Hospital
- Postnatal care experience of a Mum during COVID-19 - Part 2 of 2
- What has been the impact of COVID-19 on maternity care? Part 1 of 2
- Preserving enough of normality: person centred care in a pandemic
- Where does person centred care fit in when dealing with pandemics?
- Celebrating 20 Years Inspiring Person Centred Care
- The student perspective on medication review and deprescribing
- Coronavirus - How is Picker adapting?
- Making the most of patient experience data
- The Welsh Ambulance Service Trust reviews the Amber category
- Why do core medical trainees break from training?
- NHS staff experiences are improving – but discrimination from patients & the public is up
- NHS Staff Survey 2019
- Picker have been awarded the contract for the new Under 16 Cancer Patient Experience Survey.
- The NHS Maternity Survey shows mixed progress in mothers’ experience of care
- Maternity Survey 2019
- Could monthly tracking improve NHS staff morale?
- Turning it around: Northamptonshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust (NHFT)
- Community Mental Health Survey 2019
- The experiences and supportive care needs of pancreatic cancer patients
- Challenges and unmet needs of people affected by Cardiovascular Disease
- Experiences of patients with pancreatic cancer
- Developing a national model for co-production
- Inpatient survey response differences between children and parents
- Predictors of job satisfaction in the NHS staff survey
- Review of the National Cancer Patient Experience Survey; a report prepared for NHS England
- Patient-reported experience measure in sickle
cell disease - Exploring education and training in relation to older people’s health and social care
- Always Events; Phase 4: Scale-up and spread
- Mental health, human rights and standards of care
- The risks to care quality and staff wellbeing of an NHS system under pressure
- NHS 111: London Winter Pilots Evaluation; Qualitative research exploring staff experiences of using and delivering new programmes in NHS 111
- Sickle Cell Disease Survey 2016
- Development of a toolkit for health visiting service providers
- New patient-reported experience measure for children with allergic disease
- Talking to children - It’s all about the know how
- Patients’ experience of using hospital services
- NHS 111: Development and Testing of a new Patient Reported Experience Measure for Parents
- Parents’ experiences of neonatal care in England
- Understanding staff wellbeing, its impact on patient experience and healthcare quality
- Parents' Experiences of Neonatal Care: Findings from Neonatal Survey 2014
- Recommending a Friends and Family Test (FFT) for Children and Young People
- Development of New Models for Collection and Use of Patient Experience Information in the NHS
- Patient experience indicators key for NHS Outcomes Framework to succeed
- Developing measures of people's self-reported experiences of integrated care
- The relationship between cancer patient experience and staff survey results
- Options appraisal on the measurement of people's experiences of integrated care
- Shared Decision-Making – a pathfinder project for NHS East Midlands
- The reliability of trust-level survey scores - a comparison of three different scoring models
- Supporting Shared Decision-Making – a pathfinder project for NHS North West
- Multi-level analysis of inpatient experience
- Parents' experiences of neonatal care - a report on the findings from a national survey
- The patient voice in revalidation - a discourse analysis
- Development of a validated patient satisfaction survey for sexual health clinic attendees
- Discussion paper - key domains of the experience of hospital outpatients
- The quality of patient engagement and involvement in primary care
- An evaluation of the national cancer survivorship initiative test community projects
- Core domains for measuring inpatient experience of care
- North London Cancer Network Patient Survey 2008 - Executive Summary
- Information accreditation scheme testing phase - assessing the impact
- Women's views about safety in maternity care
- Where are the patients in decision-making about their own care?
- Patient preferences for alternative surgical techniques for abdominal aortic aneurysm repair
- Patient centred professionalism - defining the public's expectations of doctors
- Cancer follow up care - the views of patients and carers expressed in a range of focus groups
- How patients might use good medical practice - a qualitative study
- Developing the national service framework – exploring the experience of seldom heard people affected by COPD
- Comparison of patient experience and audit findings in stroke care
- Exploring attitudes towards and experiences of the NHS in the North West
- Designing GP Buildings - staff and patient priorities for the design of community healthcare facilities in Lambeth
- Evidence on the effectiveness of strategies to improve patients' experience of cancer care
- Information for people living with conditions that affect their appearance – Summary and recommendation
- Information for people living with conditions that affect their appearance – Report 3
- Information for people living with conditions that affect their appearance – Report 2
- Accessing information about health and social care services
- A hidden problem – pain in older people
- Assessing the quality of information to support people in making decisions about their health and healthcare
- A secondary analysis of primary care survey data to explore differences in response by ethnicity
- Implementing patient decision aids in urology
- What do you think of your doctor – a review of questionnaires for gathering patients' feedback on their doctors
- Education for partnership - developments in medical education
- Engaging patients in their healthcare - how is the UK doing relative to other countries
- What do patients and relatives see as key competencies for intensive care doctors
- A review of professional codes and standards for doctors in the UK, USA and Canada
- Information for people living with conditions that affect their appearance – Report 1
- How engaged are people in their health care – findings of a national telephone survey
- Trends in patients' experience of the NHS
- Patients' experience of choosing where to undergo surgical treatment
- Is the NHS getting better or worse - an in depth look at the views of nearly a million patients between 1998 and 2004
- Thomas Stocks
- Olli Potter
- Lucy Pickard
- Anna Beeton
- Marcos Contopoulos
- Amie Hamilton
- Emma Stone
- Rory Jackson
- Caroline Hancock
- Roisin Atkin
- Molly Blackwell
- Jim Pearman
- Alexander Gildersleeves
- Danby Bloch
- Victoria Thomas
- Tahreema Matin
- Clive Flashman
- Alf Collins
- AJ Poots
- Sarah Rowe
- Ruth Horne
- Will Burton
- Patrick Wheeldon
- Martina O'Brien
- Anca Postolache
- Roselyne Ngwe
- Hannah Wade
- Chrysa Lamprinakou
- Angela Coulter
- Clare Lerway
- Bernardine Jappah
- Jagdip Sidhu
- Efraim Vilella
- Claire Wellstood
- Nene Ibokessien
- James Kramer
- Samantha Guymer
- Yang Liu
- Phil Stylianides
- Nicola Porter
- Mark Collins
- Katie Daly
- Jenny King
- Harriet Hay
- Caroline Killpack
- Magdalena Skrybant
- Julia Levy
- Stuart Bell CBE
- Sarah Gunn
- Esther Ainley
- Chris Graham
- Cara Witwicki
- Amy Tallett