Social care

We are experts in measuring and understanding people’s experiences of care, including in a range of social care settings. This includes both user and staff experience, which are each important and related to one another.

When measurement is required, our robust surveys can be used to systematically collect valid, reliable feedback on the things that matter most to people. Our survey data can be used to track trends and compare experiences across sites and organisations, providing insightful, actionable data for improvement. We also have many years of experience in designing questionnaires for people with visual, cognitive, and communicative impairments – including people with learning disabilities or dementia – and can advise on selecting the right methodology to collect insightful, actionable feedback from people from a wide range of backgrounds.

We also have extensive experience of qualitative research methods, including interviews, focus groups, and so on. These types of approaches can be invaluable for understanding people’s experiences of working or receiving care in more depth.

Why is measuring social care experience important?

People’s experiences of using services are an important element of service quality. Similarly, ensuring good experiences for staff working in health and social care services is widely recognised as an important goal. Whilst both elements are important individually, there is also a well-known link between workforce experience, user experience, and the clinical and social outcomes of people using services. Acknowledging this relationship is particularly important given contemporary challenges facing the sector: evidence suggests that social care staff are under pressure, with a vacancy rate of up to 8 % and rising sickness absence rates.

Using our expertise, we can uncover the things that are working well and help you to improve areas found to need more focus.

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