Liver Transplant Patient Experience Survey

In collaboration with the British Liver Transplant Group, British Liver Trust and UK liver transplant centres, Picker has developed and assessed the validity of a Patient Reported Experience Measure (PREM) to understand care experiences of adults receiving a liver transplant. The PREM is available to liver transplant centres to understand care experiences and identify areas for improving care locally and nationally.
The survey covers:

  • Information about condition and treatment
  • Communication and information about the transplant operation (before and after)
  • Pain management
  • Interactions with hospital staff
  • Follow-up care and ongoing support
  • Impact of liver condition on day-to-day activities

The Patient-Reported Experience Measure (PREM) was cognitively tested before being piloted across seven transplant centres in the UK, achieving a response rate of 60% using a postal methodology with one to two reminders.

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