Research & insights

Showing 61-72 results of 286
28 June 2023

Picker awarded multi-year contract to oversee England’s NHS Patient Survey Programme by the Care Quality Commission

21 June 2023

Picker commissioned by The Health Foundation to undertake an evaluation of impact of Q.

15 June 2023

Picker awarded renewed multi-year contract to coordinate the annual NHS Staff Survey, the largest workforce survey in the world

09 June 2023

How to prepare a successful entry for PENNA 2023

08 June 2023

Healthcare charity Picker invited to the launch of Meningitis Now report at the House of Commons

07 June 2023

Stronger aftercare for adult meningitis patients urgently needed reveals national survey results.

05 June 2023

National Carers Week | Definition of a Carer

24 May 2023

NIHR’s partnership with Picker ensures its continued quality research

Case study
22 May 2023

Exploring the use of Twitter data in research

18 May 2023

The conversation starts here, but this is not where it should end… 

17 May 2023

How my workplace worked for me when I experienced Anxiety

16 May 2023

Supporting a friend with a mental health illness


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