Research & insights

Showing 301-312 results of 312
09 October 2006

A secondary analysis of primary care survey data to explore differences in response by ethnicity

14 September 2006

Implementing patient decision aids in urology

04 September 2006

What do you think of your doctor – a review of questionnaires for gathering patients’ feedback on their doctors

11 May 2006

Education for partnership – developments in medical education

10 April 2006

Engaging patients in their healthcare – how is the UK doing relative to other countries

03 April 2006

What do patients and relatives see as key competencies for intensive care doctors

06 March 2006

A review of professional codes and standards for doctors in the UK, USA and Canada

11 January 2006

Information for people living with conditions that affect their appearance – Report 1

21 November 2005

How engaged are people in their health care – findings of a national telephone survey

12 July 2005

Trends in patients’ experience of the NHS

04 July 2005

Patients’ experience of choosing where to undergo surgical treatment

18 April 2005

Is the NHS getting better or worse – an in depth look at the views of nearly a million patients between 1998 and 2004


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