Picker welcomes four new trustees to its board

Leading international healthcare charity Picker has appointed four new members to its Board of Trustees.

The appointees are Tim Irish, previously Vice-Chair of the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE); Julia Levy, previously Executive Director of the International COVID-19 Data Alliance; Magdalena Skrybant, Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement Lead for NIHR Applied Research Collaboration West Midlands (ARC WM) at the University of Birmingham; and Amran Hussain Interim Director in the NHS.

They join a strong Board of Trustees and will help steer the charity’s strategy and governance. Picker, part of the Picker Group, works across health and social care and believes in the highest quality person centred care for all, always. It promotes this by measuring and encouraging the use of staff, service user and patient feedback.

Chris Graham, Chief Executive of Picker, said: “We are pleased to welcome four high calibre trustees onto the board. They will complement the skills and experience of our board and we will benefit greatly from their knowledge, insights, and industry perspective. They all share our vision to constantly improve person centred care via evidence-based measurement.”

Amran Hussain said: “I’m proud to have joined the Board of Trustees at Picker. The charity is integral to helping the healthcare profession gain a deep understanding of key issues that enables it to consistently develop new ways to provide ever-improving high standards of person centred care.”

Julia Levy said: “I’m really looking forward to working with the team and my fellow trustees at Picker. Picker plays a fantastic role in amplifying the voice of patients, their families, carers, and the healthcare professionals that work with them. There has never been a greater need to hear that voice and use it to inform health and social care strategy going forward.”

Magdalena Skrybant said: “Capturing patient and practitioner experiences and using the information to improve our understanding of healthcare and health outcomes is an increasingly valuable tool. I’m looking forward to working with Picker to help deliver more vital insights for the healthcare profession.”

Tim Irish said: “Picker has a first-class reputation for delivering high-value data driven insights that help shape person centred care in the healthcare profession. Delivering high-quality healthcare is more critical than ever and I’m delighted to have joined the Board of Trustees at Picker.”

Notes for Editors

  • Picker is an international charity working across health and social care. We believe in the highest quality person centred care for all, always and promote this by measuring and encouraging the use of staff and patient feedback.
  • For media enquiries please contact Picker’s Communications Manager, Emma Newton, emma.newton@pickereurope.ac.uk or Greig Box Turnbull, gbt@fortitudecommunications.com.

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