National Quarterly Pulse Survey (NQPS)
The National Quarterly Pulse Survey (NQPS, sometimes referred to as the People Pulse) replaces the NHS Staff FFT and runs in all NHS trusts which provide acute, community, ambulance, and mental health services in England. Organisations are required to collect data in Quarter 1 (April), 2 (July), and 4 (January) – there is no requirement to collect data during Quarter 3 (October) when the annual NHS Staff Survey is undertaken.
At Picker, we worked with over 50 NHS Trusts on their Staff FFT and are experts in the field of measuring staff experience. Notably, we are the Coordination Centre for the NHS Staff Survey and work with over 150 NHS organisations as their contractor of choice.
Not only can we support you in meeting the requirements of the NQPS, but we can also advise you on additional questions to measure key areas of focus for your organisation.
New three-year joint deal with our NHS Staff Survey and NQPS packages
Sign up with us for your NHS Staff Survey and NQPS for three years and receive up to 15% off your usual price*.
Not only is there a price benefit, but our joint offer enables you to track your staff engagement score and local questions (where they are the same across the programmes) on our dashboard each quarter, including when the NHS Staff Survey runs. This feature provides continuous feedback on the success of your improvement programmes.
How we can help
In addition, our package includes:
- Expert advice on tailoring the programme to meet the requirements and your organisational priorities.
- Presentations and 1:1 meetings to facilitate the implementation of your survey.
- Digital administration through a secure survey platform, ensuring data integrity.
- Access to in-field response rates and survey results updated live on the dashboard.
- Personal invitation and reminder emails to all staff.
- Up to eight localities and up to 20 local questions.
- Ability to set up automated cuts of the Picker results dashboard for colleagues.
- Ability to run a prize draw for your staff.
- A free delegate pass to the Picker NHS Staff Survey workshop (depending on your package specifications), where you can learn best practice from peers.
Our service will ensure all these organisations can:
- Meet the latest guidance and continue to collect colleague experience in a robust and reliable way.
- Benchmark the core evaluation areas set out by NHSEI both internally and externally.
- Continue to include bespoke evaluations as part of their quarterly programme.