The Point of Care Foundation Transfers Experiences of Care Programme to Picker Institute Europe

The Point of Care Foundation has transferred its Experiences of Care programme to Picker Institute Europe. The programme, which offers training and support for quality improvement in health and care services, will now be integrated into Picker’s portfolio. This transition will further support efforts to enhance the understanding and improvement of people’s care experiences and outcomes.

This move builds on a long history of collaborative working between the two organisations, including co-hosting the 2023 Care Experience Symposium in Birmingham.

Picker’s acquisition of the Experiences of Care programme combines the Point of Care Foundation’s extensive expertise in teaching and applying person centred care methodologies with Picker’s broad suite of tools and services for improving patient experience across both public and private health and care sectors.

Phil Stylianides, Chief Operating Officer of Picker Institute Europe, said:

“We are always looking at ways to develop Picker’s impact. This exciting acquisition will enable us to support more care organisations to put people’s experiences at the forefront of their decision making, improving the quality and value of the services they provide. We are especially excited to work with the Experiences of Care programme’s team and partners to invest and grow this fantastic suite of learning and development resources, taking another step towards influencing, inspiring and empowering the highest-quality person centred care for all always.”

Richard Smith, Chair of Trustees for the Point of Care Foundation, added:

“We are delighted to announce that the Experience of Care Programme will be joining Picker Institute Europe. We are proud of the impact we have had through the programme, which has supported over 2000 individuals to develop skills in key service design methodologies such as Experience-Based Co-Design. We believe that as part of the Picker portfolio, the work will benefit from synergies with other Picker programmes, expand and grow its impact across health systems.”

Notes to editors

About Picker Institute Europe:

  • Picker is a leading international health charity dedicated to promoting person centred care in health and social services. Established in the US in 1986 and in the UK in 2000, Picker‘s mission is to ensure the highest quality care for all, always. Our work is driven by public benefit, never by profit, and focuses on understanding and improving the experiences of patients, service users, and staff. We collaborate with policymakers, providers, and the public to measure and enhance care quality through research, surveys, and consultancy services. Picker‘s principles of person centred care guide our efforts to create compassionate, safe, and effective care environments. For more information, visit

About the Point of Care Foundation:

  • The Point of Care Foundation’s mission is to create a more human health and care system. It does this by promoting and supporting Schwartz Rounds, a unique group reflective practice for health and care staff and students to share experiences of the emotional impact of their work. Peer-reviewed research (Maben et al, NIHR, 2018) has found Schwartz Rounds to reduce by half the psychological distress of people who regularly attend, alongside cultural benefits for host organisations. Schwartz Rounds are an essential component of a compassionate workplace, supporting people who work in health and care to provide person centred, humane care to patients and families. For more information, please visit

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