Picker unveils 2021-22 Impact Report

In a year that saw health and social care systems continue to grapple with the challenges of the global pandemic, the 2021 – 22 period saw Picker focusing on people’s experiences across their whole care pathways – particularly vital during this period of recovery – and on building new insight with our partners. We have worked with integrated care systems to understand and improve the quality of coordinated care and are delighted to have launched Picker HWA, (Howard Warwick Associates), which works principally with social care and the private sector.

Staff experiences and wellbeing have long been understood by Picker as crucial to ensuring consistent, high-level care across patients’ and service users’ care journeys. Our research has demonstrated the correlation between staff and patient experience, something that the COVID-19 pandemic has heightened further by placing health and care staff under extraordinary demand. We have measured the impact of this through the NHS Staff Survey, piloting a new approach to measuring staff experiences in general practice, and hosting a roundtable on social care staff experience.

In a time of continuing and unprecedented challenges, we are helping policy makes, providers, and professionals to make sure that patients, service users, and families and carers are at the heart of how services are designed and delivered.

Picker started from a simple but powerful insight: that people who use and health and care services should have the right to be active participants in their care and treatment. This year, our impact report showcases our achievements in 2021-22, with projects undertaken that aimed to understand the experiences of staff groups affected by the pandemic but not covered in existing collections, including in primary care and in social care

Our vison, “The highest quality person centred care for all, always.” Is underpinned by our mission to Influence, Inspire and Empower. Supported by our Values, we are proud of the work we do, and are equally proud of the way we do it. 

  • Influence – Giving a voice to general practice staff –The NHS People Promise aims to improve the experience of working in the NHS for everyone. Listening and learning from people across the NHS.
  • Inspire – Measuring and understanding integration –The goal of integrated care is to deliver joined-up services that meet individual people’s needs, every step of their care journey.
  • Empower Upcoming projects – Looking ahead, we have plenty of exciting projects and collaborations – Integrated Care Systems, Jersey Care Commission, International Kidney Cancer Coalition, Citizen’s Panels and Meningitis Now.

The Picker Principles of Person Centred Care address every facet of care across patents’ and users’ pathways. All our projects have a central commitment to realising our vision of person centred care for all, always, and the Principles have gone onto inform the work of world-leading academic and research institutions

To read more about Picker in 2021-22, view our latest Impact Report 2021/22.

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