Picker publishes 2023-24 Impact Report

This has made for a busy year, and we have made important progress against our strategic goals. Throughout 2023-24, Picker has continued to support health and care professionals, providers and regulators to understand, measure and improve people’s experiences of care.

In this report, you will find examples of how our work has advanced our vision of providing the highest quality person centred care for all, always. These examples cover a wide range of activities, such as participating in a leading policy research unit, coordinating the world’s largest workforce survey, hosting national events, and supporting the use of our tools internationally. These demonstrate how we have used our expertise and experience to support positive change during challenging times.

During 2023-2024, we partnered with several international charities, including the International Kidney Cancer Coalition, ALAN, CLLAN, CMLAN, Lymphoma Coalition, and the Myelodysplastic Syndromes Alliance, to enhance the quality of life for individuals with specific conditions. By gaining deeper insights into the experiences of individuals living with these conditions, we continue to develop our plans for improving the quality of care.

At Picker, we strive to inspire the provision of quality, person centred care by developing tools and services that enhance the understanding of people’s experiences. We empower health and social care professionals to enhance these experiences through effective measurement and responsive action to people’s feedback.

In our 2023-24 impact report, we highlight how Picker have successfully supported partners by reviewing and improving processes and helping to deliver excellence in evaluating care experiences.

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