Research & insights

Showing 217-228 results of 286
04 November 2019

The experiences and supportive care needs of pancreatic cancer patients

Journal articles
21 October 2019

Challenges and unmet needs of people affected by Cardiovascular Disease

01 October 2019

Experiences of patients with pancreatic cancer

Patient exerience of pancreatic cancer
16 April 2019

Developing a national model for co-production

Journal articles
06 February 2019

Inpatient survey response differences between children and parents

Journal articles
16 January 2019

Predictors of job satisfaction in the NHS staff survey

08 August 2018

Review of the National Cancer Patient Experience Survey; a report prepared for NHS England

04 August 2018

Patient-reported experience measure in sickle
cell disease

Journal articles
12 July 2018

Exploring education and training in relation to older people’s health and social care

02 July 2018

Always Events; Phase 4: Scale-up and spread

06 June 2018

Mental health, human rights and standards of care

31 January 2018

The risks to care quality and staff wellbeing of an NHS system under pressure


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