Independent Evaluation of Q: Final Stakeholder Workshop Information Sheet
Project title: Independent Evaluation of Q
Lead researcher: Molly Blackwell
What are we doing?
On behalf of the Health Foundation, Picker is conducting an Independent Evaluation of Q, in partnership with ResPeo and Healthcare Priority Solutions (HPS). The purpose of the Evaluation is to provide insight to Q on how their activities are currently creating impact, which will ultimately inform Q’s future strategic development decisions. As part of the Evaluation, we are hosting a series of workshops to delve deeper into emerging findings.
What will the workshop involve?
A two-hour workshop will take place on Thursday 13th February 2025 from 14:00-16:00, and will be held remotely via Zoom. The session will be interactive (using software including Padlet), and you will be encouraged to contribute to the discussions and activities to share your views on emerging findings. The workshop will not be recorded.
Maria Kordowicz (from ResPeo) will lead the session with Molly Blackwell (Picker).
The purpose of the workshop is to sense check emergent findings from the Q evaluation to date. The team will present preliminary findings during the session and facilitate discussions to understand from your perspective why these themes are emerging, to what extent you agree or disagree with the findings, what this means for Q and if there are any surprises in the data. This session will help inform the interpretation of the data ahead of the final report writing.
The agenda for the session is as follows:
- Introductions – understanding who is in the room and your perceptions of Q’s impact
- Feedback about emergent evaluation findings (presentation followed by discussions to sense check the findings)
- End reflection – summarising key takeaways and next steps

Do I have to take part?
- No – participation is voluntary, it is up to you whether or not to take part.
- You can decide not to take part or withdraw at any time – even during the workshop, without giving a reason.
What will happen to the information that I share?
The information that you share during the session will be used by Picker and our research partners, ResPeo and HPS, as we develop the final evaluation report. We will only ever share your views anonymously, therefore any quotes used in reports back to The Health Foundation will be non-attributable.
Picker comply with the UK General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR). Picker also complies with the Market Research Society’s (MRS) Code of Conduct and maintain certifications from the International Standardisation of Organisations. Our partners for this project, ResPeo and HPS, also conform to the same standards of data protection as Picker. Any sensitive or confidential material is stored securely in line with our data protection policy.
Your personal details (name and contact information) will be kept securely and destroyed on completion of the evaluation project. Your personal information will not be shared with anyone unless required by law, where there is a clear overriding public interest, or if something you say indicates that you or anyone else is at risk of immediate harm.
We are passionate about making sure participation in our research is accessible and inclusive to everyone. If you have any access requirements, or ways we could support your involvement in the workshop, please reach out to Picker using the details below.
How can I take part?
Please note that places will be allocated on a first-come first-served basis.
If you would like further information on the project or the workshop, please contact Molly Blackwell, Senior Research Associate at Picker, by either email or telephone:
- +44 (0)1865 208111
Additional contact details
If you would like to offer feedback or raise any concerns you might have following the workshop, please contact Amy Tallett, Head of Research at Picker, by either phone or email:
- +44 (0)1865 208115