NHS Staff Survey for bank only workers
The Survey Coordination Centre based at Picker, a healthcare research charity, is working with NHS England to test the 2024 NHS Staff Survey for bank only workers. The survey will be used to understand and improve the experience of bank workers working in the NHS in England.
What are we doing?
We need help from NHS bank workers, to test the survey to make sure the questions are clear and easy to complete.
What’s involved?
We will be conducting interviews with NHS bank workers to test the survey. These will be conducted virtually via Microsoft Teams. The interview would take around an hour of your time.
The information that you share during the interview will be used to guide decisions on survey content.
Who can take part?
NHS bank workers who are employed directly by an NHS Trust and work as part of their in-house bank, but do not have a substantive or fixed term contract with that organisation, are eligible to take part (i.e. NHS workers who do bank work only).
Register your interest
To take part in the screening survey to register your interest, go to: https://bit.ly/NSSBtesting2024
Do you have more questions?
Please contact nhsstaffsurvey@surveycoordination.com