Children and young people patient toolkits
Browse our list of toolkits focused on measuring the health and care experiences of children and young people and their parent/carers.
This toolkit is to measure children’s and parents experience of care received for allergies or symptoms, including asthma/ rhinitis, hay fever, eczema, food allergy and anaphylaxis. The original development was done in partnership with the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health.
The toolkit is comprised of two surveys, one for children aged 8-16 years to complete themselves and a second for parents of children aged 0-7.
Examples of areas covered are:
- Interactions with healthcare professionals
- Treatment and medication
- Access to support groups
The children’s emergency department survey is a two part toolkit designed to measure children and young people’s experiences in emergency care settings.
The children’s survey is specially built with infographics and questions designed to enable children to fill in the survey themselves. There is also a second part to the survey for parents to enable them to fill out the survey on their child’s behalf.
The survey covers the complete journey of emergency care including:
- Ambulance care
- Admissions
- Interactions with staff
- Tests
- Overall hospital care
- The discharge process
The children’s outpatient survey is a two part toolkit designed to measure children and young people’s experiences in outpatients settings.
The toolkit was originally developed in partnership with Sheffield’s children’s NHS foundation Trust in 2015 and the children’s survey is specially built with infographics and questions designed to enable children to fill in the survey themselves. There is also a second part to the survey for parents to enable them to fill out the survey on their child’s behalf.
The survey includes areas such as admissions and waiting, facilities and interactions and communication with healthcare staff.
Originally developed in 2014 Picker have recently partnered with Imperial college London to adapt the Neonatal care tool for real time feedback during the hospital stay.
- Comprising of 31 questions the survey itself covers areas such as:
- Communication with staff
- Information and support
- Involvement in your baby’s care
The paediatric diabetes survey was funded for development by the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health and is now owned by HQIP.
The survey covers areas such as access to support and relationships with healthcare professionals as well as information on how to effectively manage their diabetes.
The tool is freely available on the HQIP website.
The under 16 cancer patient experience survey asks questions about NHS cancer or tumour care in England.
The survey is sent to children under the age of 16 and their parents or carers who have recently had care at certain hospitals in England. The survey is currently a national programme run by Picker and managed by NHS England.
Our transition survey has been developed with young people to gather actionable feedback about their care experiences. It is relevant to those with a long-term physical health condition and focuses on their needs and priorities in relation to transferring to adult services.
The questionnaire includes:
- Planning and involvement in the transfer (including timing)
- Access to information, advice and support
- Opportunities to visit the new place of care and new care team prior to transfer
- Experiences of hospital wards and outpatient clinic appointments
- Understanding patient self-management of condition
There are two versions of the transition survey, one for people to self-report on their experiences as they approach transfer to adult services or are currently in transition (ie in the process of transferring), and another for those who have recently transferred to adult services.
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